Monday, January 11, 2016

-2 Degrees...?

January 11, 2016

Hello Family and Friends!!!

I had another great week here in Nebraska. I hope you all had a good week. Today marks 2 months that I have been in Nebraska. Weird, right? Yes, my Subject line is correct. The other day we were driving to our apartment and we noticed our car said it was -2 degrees outside. With the windchill it was about -15. So yeah. The moral of the story is my blood is going to freeze in my body. No big deal. The other night a few of us were staying at the Trail Center Leaders' house, and we boiled water and then threw it outside. It turned into ice mid-air. It was so cool!!!! (literally, lol. I'm not funny anymore)

Here is my "out of my comfort zone" story of the week. This week we met kind of a crazy lady. She opened the door, immediately asked if we were Mormons, and then started telling us how much she hates us and thinks we are wrong. She kept telling us to "look at other people's sides". Kind of hypocritical.. But that's just me. Anyways, we were in awe because no one has ever been that rude to us before. She slammed the door and we started to walk away. I looked at Sister Brower and said "Dangit, we should have testified." Then, Sister Brower looks at me and says "You are right. Lets go back." So she turns around and starts walking back to that woman's house. I immediately turned into a scaredy cat and kept making up excuses like "she probably has a gun" and other stuff like that. Sister Brower said "Well, I'm going. You can wait back here if you want." I wasn't about to let my companion face that woman alone, so I went with her. The woman opens the door and says "Wow, you're back?" and we told her yes, because we wanted to tell her something. She said, "okay, talk." We bore our testimonies and she kept saying "I read all of this on the internet and I know your church isn't true." Then she started talking about how our church goes against the Bible. That's when I finally started to speak up (because I was so nervous and was letting Sister Brower talk the whole time). I just told her that we believe and read the Bible as well, and in the Bible it tells you that the spirit testifies truth, not the internet. I then bore my testimony about how the spirit has testified to me that this church is true, and that Joseph Smith is a true prophet of God, and that the Book of Mormon has the fullness of the Gospel. Although she still didn't listen, we made sure to leave a Plan of Salvation and a Proclamation to the Family pamphlet. We know she will never forget that experience, and one day her heart will soften. The pamphlet has our number on it, so we are expecting a call when she has her miraculous change of heart. :)

I don't know if you remember from my email last week, but I talked about how we are starting to teach this amazing woman named Courtney. I have kind of a girl-crush on her, no big deal. She is just so great. We taught her for the first time on Tuesday about how God answers our prayers. After the lesson we invited her to be baptized on January 30th, and she said "if I'm ready, then for sure!". So PRAY FOR COURTNEY. The next day she texted us and told us about an experience she had. She said that she was struggling, and so she sincerely prayed for the first time. After she prayed, her best friend from Utah texted her and simply told her she was thinking about her, and that she sent her a package that should be arriving that day. A couple hours later she received the package. She opened it and saw a beautiful picture of Jesus Christ on the top. She felt comforted and knew her prayers were answered. That day she went and bought a frame for the picture, and hung it up in her house. I JUST LOVE HER SO MUCH! AHHHHH.

We had an awesome zone training this week. It was about being bold with our commitments. I was able to sing for a musical number, so that was fun! The next day we remembered to be bold with our commitments, so that's when we invited Courtney to be baptized. Then, after that, we invited 4 more people that night.  1 said "I don't know", and the others said that they wanted to, but certain problems were holding them back. We are hoping to have 5 baptisms within the next few months. Being bold is awesome. :)

Sister Brower and I are doing this "Charity Challenge" thing that she made up. It is from Moroni 7:45-48. It talks about different ways to show charity. So, we picked a charity attribute for each day of the week. The first day was "Suffereth long", yesterday's was "kind", and today is "envieth not". So what we do is we study, ponder and reflect on the attribute each day. It is cool how the Lord has tested us on those certain things each day. I would invite you to do the same. :)

Alright, I love you all! Thanks for all the emails. You are the best, and are in my prayers. :)

Sister Hutchison

ps. we didn't take any pictures this week, so we took one right now. So this is a picture of us emailing... haha. That's what I look like this very minute. Soak it up guys. I know you miss me.

"45 And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
 46 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth. Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail
47 But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.
48 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen."
-Moroni 7:45-48

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